Community Partners

Groups and Organizations who have used the Annex

Institute for the Study and Practice of ​​Nonviolence​

Choose peace

The Institute’s mission is to teach, by word and example, the principles and practices of nonviolence, and to foster a community that addresses potentially violent situations with nonviolent solutions. We work to build Dr. King’s ideal of the nonviolent Beloved Community.

Rhode Island Campus Compact

Rhode Island Campus C​ompact

Rhode Island Campus Compact is a coalition of colleges and universities dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, service-learning, and community-campus partnerships in higher education.

​Smith Hill Co​​​​mmunity Development Corporation ​


Smith Hill Community Development Corporation (SHCDC) is a community-based organization dedicated to the creation of quality affordable and mixed income housing choices, the promotion of economic development and neighborhood improvement.

Providence ¡CityArts! for Youth Inc

City Arts

The mission of Providence ¡CityArts! for Youth Inc. is to provide free professional art-based education and training to Providence youth in a fully developed community-based arts center that reflects, encourages, and promotes the rich ethnic diversity of Providence, our capital city. CityArts’ mission is to ensure our capital city’s most challenged youth access to quality arts programs—unhindered by socio-economic barriers, and celebrating the arts as a means to youth empowerment, community building, and social change.

​Providence Neighborhood Planting​ Program

Planting Program Logo

The Providence Neighborhood Planting Program (PNPP) is a street tree planting partnership of the Mary Elizabeth Sharpe Street Tree Endowment, the City of Providence and the residents of Providence.

Young Voice​​s

Planting the seeds of change

Young Voices is a Rhode Island-based non-profit organization that transforms urban youth into powerful advocates, who partner with our State’s major leaders to create systemic reform and policy change that improve the lives of thousands of youth across the state.

Smith Hill Yout​​hRAP

YouthRAP (Youth Resident Activities Program) is a program offered to youth living in the Renaissance II, Smith Hill Visions and Smith Hill Visions II Housing Developments in the Smith Hill neighborhood of Providence, RI. Through the program, the youth are able to go on field trips all over New England, receive homework help, and participate in after school and weekend activities. YouthPAP strives to create a program that is interesting, fun, and educational.

National ​​Association on Mental Illness


NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.

Milenio Latino Insti​​​tute

The mission of the he mission of the Milenio Latino Institute is to empower the next generation of Latino and multicultural entrepreneurs and skilled workers through sustainable entrepreneurship and business development education, financial literacy and job training.


New Leaders Co​​uncil

NLC recruits Fellows from outside traditional power structures and equips them with the skills necessary to be civic leaders in their communities and workplaces. O​​ur mission is realized primarily through the NLC Institute; the nation’s premiere political entrepreneurship training program.

Rhode Island Institute for Lab​​or Studies and Research​

The Institute for Labor Studies and Research offers workplace-based, and community-based adult education programming to Rhode Islanders. Our core service is English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and we offer Adult Basic and Adult Secondary Education classes as well. Our programming is learner-centered, participatory, and taught by an innovative team of dedicated teachers.

English for Acti​​on​ ​

Ingles en Accion

English for Action’s (EFA) mission is to create opportunities for the self-empowerment of immigrant families in Rhode Island. Through participatory English language, childcare, and other educational programs, we link language learning, leadership development and community-building. We use innovative learning tools, such as the visual arts, theater of the oppressed and action projects to engage adults and younger learners in dialogue, reflection and collaboration. Through these processes, we strive to create transformative learning communities inside and outside the classroom, in order to affect meaningful and community-based social changed in Olneyville and the greater Providence community.

Building understanding together

Civil Rights Ro​​​undtables

Civil Rights Roundtables is a program a part of RIJC (Rhode Island for Community and Justice.) The RI Civil Rights Roundtable brings civil rights groups together for the purpose of joint advocacy.

RI Black Business A​​​s​​sociation

Creating opportunity, building community

The Rhode Island Black Business Association (RIBBA) is dedicated to enhancing the growth and economic empowerment of Black-owned businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals by providing them a forum to competitively participate in the local and global economy, primarily through business development, legislative advocacy, business mentoring and quality educational opportunities and professional development resources. RIBBA promotes entrepreneurship for its Members, Black Entrepreneurs and Professionals; as a viable economic development engine in improving the quality of life in their communities.

Providence After School​​ Alliance

Providence After School Alliance

PASA’s mission is to expand and improve quality after-school, summer, and other expanded learning opportunities for the youth of Providence by organizing a sustainable, public/private system that contributes to student success and serves as a national model.

Providence Community Lib​rary

a community based library organization

PCL provides free, accessible library services to improve and enrich the lives of the people of Providence. Our community libraries serve as vibrant hubs within the neighborhoods of Providence, providing programs and services that respond to the needs of the community.


Direct Action for Rights and Equali​​ty (DARE)​

DARE organizes low-income families in communities of color for social, economic and political justice.


Providence College: ​​Courses Taken at the Annex

  • The City and Its Youth
  • The City and Its Storytellers
  • The City and Its Generations
  • Global Studies Capstone
  • Smith Hill: A Study in Community and Place
  • Sociology and Race
  • Public and Community Service Capstone
  • Diversity, Community, and Service
  • Introduction to Service in Democratic Communities
  • Culturally Competent Teaching:  A Graduate Level course

Providence College/Smith Hill Annex

231 Douglas Ave., Providence, R.I. 02908

Perla Castillo Calderon

Director, Center @ Moore Hall / Director, Providence College/Smith Hill Annex
Moore Hall 111
401.865.1018 (office)