Frequently Asked Questions
Is there Wi-Fi?
Yes, the log-in info is as follows:
Username: annex guest
Password: theannex
Are there restroom facilities?
Yes, there is one bathroom in the Annex.
How can I schedule an event at the Annex?
First step is to contact one of the co-coordinators explaining what you’d like to use it for. If it falls under the mission and purpose of the Annex we can work with you directly to schedule an event and reserve it automatically onto our online calendar.
Is the Annex on Social Media?
Yes! Please like and follow us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Facebook: Providence College / Smith Hill Annex
Instagram: @PCSmithHillAnnex
What do I do if I want to connect and collaborate with other groups, both in the community and at PC but don’t know where to start?
When you contact one of the co-coordinators with an idea ask if they know anyone in the community or on campus who share a similar interest as you and ask to be connected to them to have an initial conversation about potential collaborative opportunities.
How can I publicize my event/program at the Annex?
There are a few different ways to advertise things going on at the Annex. We have our Facebook account, Instagram, online calendar, our “This Week at the Annex” e-mail, and our Community Partners page on the PC Annex website. We will also work with you to find creative ways to get the word out, as well!
How do I access the Annex? Do I need a key?
You will need to check with one of the co-coordinators about accessing a key to get into the Annex. If it is a one-time use, they can arrange with you to sign-out a key that you must return following use of the Annex. If you will be using the Annex on a regularly scheduled basis, you may be able to temporarily keep a key in your possession, again returning it once your use of the Annex is up.
Can I store things the Annex for my program if we are planning on meeting on a regular basis?
Since many groups are in and out of the space, we ask every to clean up after themselves and bring their belongings with them so clutter does not collect in the space and it is accessible and versatile for all uses and purposes of the space. However, depending on the needs of a particular group using the Annex, we will be accommodating on a case by case basis if storage is a major issue.
Do you provide transportation to and from the Annex?
We do not provide transportation to any specific group to and from the Annex. It is a short 0.4 mile/10 minute walk from the Providence College gates and is also accessible by car or public transportation (50 RIPTA route).
Is there parking available?
There is ample parking on both sides of Douglas Avenue, in addition to other nearby streets. The parking behind the Annex is reserved for tenants of the building and handicapped parking only, and is not allowed for event parking.
Providence College/Smith Hill Annex
231 Douglas Ave., Providence, R.I. 02908
Perla Castillo Calderon
Director, Center @ Moore Hall / Director, Providence College/Smith Hill Annex
Moore Hall 111
401.865.1018 (office)